If there aren’t any customers frequenting your business, this would be akin to a major organ (i.e. The Voice of the Customer is a very important tool, of course, since the customer is the life source of your business. It is obvious that VOC (Voice of the Customer) was a huge part of their Six Sigma toolbox that they relied on. Their billing system is just about flawless, easy to read and follow one knows exactly what you are paying for as well as when the service was provided. If one has dealt personally with health insurance, co-payments, and lab testing, then you have probably dealt with Quest on some level. Healthcare matters will touch all of us at some point in our lives, if it hasn’t already. In fact let’s look at what they did from the outside in. Let’s fast forward to present time now: with the internet and the globalization of medicine, testing and even billing moves at lightning speed. Quest Diagnostics started implementing Six Sigma back in 2000, and things were very different back then.

Quest Diagnostics is the Fortune 1000 healthcare company, and is a great example of how Six Sigma continuously prepares for the future of a company. Well, we found perfection (or pretty close to it). In a way, you feel vindicated because there are so many naysayers that are ready to find flaws.

When we find or experience firsthand a Six Sigma success story, we can’t wait to share it with like-minded people. Six Sigma Virtual Instructor-led Training.